Tag Archive for theatre

Boo Who?

RS Live at Caveat NYC, Dec 2nd 2017: http://caveat.nyc/event/reasonably-sound/

An examination of when, and why, we boo and some encouragement to maybe boo a bit more.

• Dan Rebellato, ‘B is for Booing’ – http://bit.ly/2hSGAjQ
• Sound Symbolism – http://bit.ly/2hTgDjN
• Did The Rite of Spring really spark a riot? – http://bbc.in/2hTLOeQ
• On the Booing of La Sonnambula – http://bit.ly/2hThdht
• On the Pleasure of Being Booed, Marinetti in Futurism: An Anthology – http://bit.ly/2hTxHGI
• Spectator Booing and the Home Advantage, Greer – http://bit.ly/2hSHGvY
• Booing: The Anatomy of Disaffiliative Response, Clayman – http://bit.ly/2hTM3qg
• Whipping It Up! An Analysis of Audience Responses to Political Rhetoric in Speeches From the 2012 American Presidential Elections, Bull and Miskinis – http://bit.ly/2hRlrX2
• Don’t Boo, Vote – http://bit.ly/2B02LII

• The Emancipated Spectator, Ranciere – http://bit.ly/2hU20wH
• The Theatre of the Oppressed, Boal – http://bit.ly/2zW64n5
• Can Emotions Be Truly Group Level? Evidence Regarding Four Conceptual Criteria, Smith et al – http://bit.ly/2hTymry
• “Please Clap”: Applause, Laughter, and Booing during the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary Debates, Stewart et al – http://bit.ly/2hXjPuR
• Mike Pence Booed at Hamilton – http://bit.ly/2hUhPnl

• Piano Sonata #15, Beethoven – http://bit.ly/2gUiUYh

Image from page 298 of “The sportsman’s British bird book” (1908) – http://bit.ly/2hRGXea

Reasonably Sounds theme and act break music are by Will Stratton (willstratton.bandcamp.com), and visual design by Tida Tep (tidatep.com)


You can support the show with a per-episode donation at http://patreon.com/reasonablysound

Thanks to all the show’s current patrons, with an extra special double thanks to: Joe Krushinsky, Brandon, Johnny C, Camilla Greer, Susan Rugnetta, Jana Deppe, Keith Broni, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, Clarissa Redwine, J.S. Majer, Jack Britton, Andrew MacLarty, Mahlen Morris, Jesse Gamble, Tim, Hans Buetow, Tom Vickers, Talia F E, Scott Fassett, Clayton Grey, Nick Goertzen, Benjamin, Kathy Ahfid, HectorSuzanne , Adam Neely, Oscar Acton, Dale Jakes, Cole Sarar, Andrew Carlos, Dylan Neal, Chelsea Whyte, Royce Rackham, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Rachaul Paul, Ethan Hermer, Joachim, Tod Kurt, Elliott, John Cifuentes, and Xander C! <3

You can support Mike, in all his internet endeavours, including but not limited to Reasonably Sound, with a monthly donation at Drip: http://d.rip/mikerugnetta

Thanks to all my current … droops? dreeps? drippers? … droplets? this is alot more complicated than “patrons”. I’m not gonna include your names because I don’t know if you want that and we haven’t talked about it yet. We will, though. As soon as drip has comments.
