
Boo Who?

RS Live at Caveat NYC, Dec 2nd 2017: http://caveat.nyc/event/reasonably-sound/

An examination of when, and why, we boo and some encouragement to maybe boo a bit more.

• Dan Rebellato, ‘B is for Booing’ – http://bit.ly/2hSGAjQ
• Sound Symbolism – http://bit.ly/2hTgDjN
• Did The Rite of Spring really spark a riot? – http://bbc.in/2hTLOeQ
• On the Booing of La Sonnambula – http://bit.ly/2hThdht
• On the Pleasure of Being Booed, Marinetti in Futurism: An Anthology – http://bit.ly/2hTxHGI
• Spectator Booing and the Home Advantage, Greer – http://bit.ly/2hSHGvY
• Booing: The Anatomy of Disaffiliative Response, Clayman – http://bit.ly/2hTM3qg
• Whipping It Up! An Analysis of Audience Responses to Political Rhetoric in Speeches From the 2012 American Presidential Elections, Bull and Miskinis – http://bit.ly/2hRlrX2
• Don’t Boo, Vote – http://bit.ly/2B02LII

• The Emancipated Spectator, Ranciere – http://bit.ly/2hU20wH
• The Theatre of the Oppressed, Boal – http://bit.ly/2zW64n5
• Can Emotions Be Truly Group Level? Evidence Regarding Four Conceptual Criteria, Smith et al – http://bit.ly/2hTymry
• “Please Clap”: Applause, Laughter, and Booing during the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary Debates, Stewart et al – http://bit.ly/2hXjPuR
• Mike Pence Booed at Hamilton – http://bit.ly/2hUhPnl

• Piano Sonata #15, Beethoven – http://bit.ly/2gUiUYh

Image from page 298 of “The sportsman’s British bird book” (1908) – http://bit.ly/2hRGXea

Reasonably Sounds theme and act break music are by Will Stratton (willstratton.bandcamp.com), and visual design by Tida Tep (tidatep.com)


You can support the show with a per-episode donation at http://patreon.com/reasonablysound

Thanks to all the show’s current patrons, with an extra special double thanks to: Joe Krushinsky, Brandon, Johnny C, Camilla Greer, Susan Rugnetta, Jana Deppe, Keith Broni, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, Clarissa Redwine, J.S. Majer, Jack Britton, Andrew MacLarty, Mahlen Morris, Jesse Gamble, Tim, Hans Buetow, Tom Vickers, Talia F E, Scott Fassett, Clayton Grey, Nick Goertzen, Benjamin, Kathy Ahfid, HectorSuzanne , Adam Neely, Oscar Acton, Dale Jakes, Cole Sarar, Andrew Carlos, Dylan Neal, Chelsea Whyte, Royce Rackham, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Rachaul Paul, Ethan Hermer, Joachim, Tod Kurt, Elliott, John Cifuentes, and Xander C! <3

You can support Mike, in all his internet endeavours, including but not limited to Reasonably Sound, with a monthly donation at Drip: http://d.rip/mikerugnetta

Thanks to all my current … droops? dreeps? drippers? … droplets? this is alot more complicated than “patrons”. I’m not gonna include your names because I don’t know if you want that and we haven’t talked about it yet. We will, though. As soon as drip has comments.


Put ‘Em Together

“The custom of showing one’s pleasure at music by immediately following it with a noise, usually by clapping but sometimes also by the drumming of feet, is perhaps as old as the art of music itself.” – The Oxford Companion to Music, Alison Latham




Arhythmia by neekoh.fi on flickr – http://bit.ly/2gUgGII

Reasonably Sound’s theme and act break music are by Will Stratton (http://willstratton.bandcamp.com) and its visual design is by Tida Tep (http://tidatep.com)


You can support the show with a per-episode donation at

Thanks to all the show’s current patrons, with an extra special double thanks to: Brandon, Joe Krushinsky, Jonny C, Camilla Greer, Keith Broni, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, J.S. Majer, Jack Britton, Andrew MacLarty, Mahlen Morris, Jesse Gamble, Tim, Hans Buetow, Clayton Grey, Nick Goertzen, Benjamin, Kathy Ahfid, Hector Suzanne, Adam Neely, Oscar Acton, Dale Jakes, Cole Sarar, Andrew Carlos, Dylan Neal, Chelsea Whyte, Royce Rackham, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Rachaul Paul, Ethan Hermer, Scott Fassett, Joachim, Tod Kurt, Elliott, John Cifuentes, Xander C, and Susan Rugnetta


RM02: A Reasonably Sound Mission Statement


“Ruminations” (RM) are short[-er] episodes, lightly edited, on topics nonetheless worth discussing.

In this Rumination, I talk for a few minutes about what I want to try to do with Reasonably Sound, and why I think sound is interesting and important.

Double Extra Super THANKS to all of Reasonably Sound’s Patrons, who help keep the show afloat. Special shoutout to Andrew Carlos, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Brandon, Camilla Greer, Chelsea Whyte, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, Dale Jakes, Dylan Teague, Elliott, Ethan Hermer, Hans Buetow, Ildaris, Jesse Gamble, Joachim, Joe Krushinsky, John Cifuentes, Jonny C, Kings Ransom, Kyle Adkins, Liz M, Mahlen Morris, Rachaul Paul, Royce Rackham, Scott, Susan Rugnetta, Tim, Tod Kurt, and Xander C

Music by Will Stratton
Visual Design by Tida Tep

What Did 2016 Sound Like?

It’s the end of 2016, so we’ll do the thing one tends to do around this time of year: look back. In this episode, a few bits of audio revelry from the End of 2014 episode return, you can get some insight into what kinds of things I was trying to make for Reasonably Sound when Reasonably Sound wasn’t allowed to make anything, and I share some stories about a few musicians, performers and composers that died this year.
Double extra super THANKS to all of Reasonably Sound’s Patrons, who help keep the show afloat. Special shoutout to Allie Cunningham, Andy McMillan, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Brandon, Camilla Greer, Chelsea Whyte, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, Dale Jakes, Elliott, Ethan Hermer, Hans Beutow, Liz M, Ildaris, Jesse Gamble, Joachim, Joe Krushinsky, John Cifuentes, Jonny C, Kings Ransom, Kyle Adkins, Mahlen Morris, Rachaul Paul, Royce Rackham, Scott, Susan Rugnetta, Talia F E, Tim, Tod Kurt and Xander C
Reasonably Sound’s music is by Will Stratton.
Its visual design is by Tida Tep.
Special thanks to John Hill for suggesting I keep it up with the End of the Year Specials

For Whom the Whistle Blows

This episode contains offensive language.

In this episode of Reasonably Sound we talk about how it is that through repetition, seemingly innocuous sounds come to be laden with meaning and can even guide the behavior of subjects exposed to them.

First, we spend a little time on how dogs are trained and the difference between classical and operant conditioning: a little bit of Pavlov, and a little bit of B.F. Skinner (an unwitting participant in the design of addictive games and social media, by a certain view).

After talking for a bit about dog whistles of the ultrasonic kind–the ones you can’t hear, but fido can–we spend the second half of the episode talking about dog whistles of the political kind. We talk about why certain kinds of political messages, ones dealing largely in hatefulness, are named after a piece of silent pup training paraphernalia, and how they can work to guide the behavior of people who have the ability hear them.

Double extra super THANKS to all of Reasonably Sound’s Patrons, who help keep the show afloat. Special shoutout to Allie, Andy McMillan, Autumn, Brandon, Camilla Greer, Chelsea Herrington, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, Dale Jakes, Elliott, Hans Buetow, Ildaris, Jesse Gamble, Joachim, Joe Krushinsky, John Cifuentes, Kyle Adkins, Liz M, Scott, Susan Rugnetta, Talia F E, Tim, Tod Kurt, Xander C

Reasonably Sound’s music is by Will Stratton
Its visual design is by Tida Tep.


On Dog Whistle Racism, Generally:



The Braaam™

An episode about the type of sound The Inception Sound is, the controversy surrounding that sound’s authorship, and how its effectiveness is deeply rooted in a millennia plus of human culture.

Double extra super THANKS to all of Reasonably Sound’s Patrons, who help keep the show afloat. Special shoutout to Allie, Andy McMillan, Autumn, Brandon, Camilla Greer, Chelsea Herrington, Coral Kennelty-Cohen, Elliott, Hans Buetow, Jesse Gamble, Joachim, Joe Krushinsky, John Cifuentes, Kyle Adkins, Susan Rugnetta, Talia F E, Tim, Tod Kurt, Xander C

This episode was ORIGINALLY PERFORMED lived for XOXO Fest in Portland during September of 2016. Thanks to Andy Baio and Andy McMillan for making it possible and for supporting the return of Reasonably Sound. Stephen Bruckert compiled and edited the Gravitas of Braaams supercut in this episode. Bailey Math of Bailey Math Sound made this episode’s custom braaams.

Reasonably Sound’s theme music is by Will Stratton https://willstratton.bandcamp.com/
Its visual design is by Tida Tep http://www.tidatep.com/


Rumination 01: Slerd Speesh

Cover image by keiichiro shikano on flickr

A quick rumination on why people slur their speech when they’re drunk, and a little thinking on what it means to slur, and its place in popular culture.

Music by Will Stratton
Visual Branding by Tida Tep
Support RS at patreon.com/reasonablysound



Light Dinner Conversation

Cover Image from GadoImages.

This week, it’s the sounds that surround holiday gatherings and rituals. Mike tackles several sonic phenomena and how they will function during your Turkey Day soiree. And how you can use their existence as fodder for conversations with your Uncle Alvin when you run out of weather to discuss.

You’ll learn about the acoustic arms race that is the Lombard Effect. How the TV people record the sparkling sounds of football. And what being cooperative has to do with our ability to have conversations at all.

Plus, Mike tries to pronounce weird technical terms.

From the whole Reasonably Sound team: Happy Thanksgiving!


  • Family is Family by Kacey Musgraves from Pageant Material
  • Family Day Red Room by Microkingdom from Spectacular Edges
  • Football Fight by Queen from the Flash Gordon Soundtrack


  • “Drivers to Pay Lowest Thanksgiving Gas Prices Since 2008” at AAA.com
  • “Turkey and Travel” on Nationwide.com
  • “Turkey Day Travel Statistics” on ProTrav.com
  • “Storytelling in Sports: How Mic’ing up Football Players Brings a Human Element to Sports Broadcasts” on Storybench.org

And a special thanks to these Reasonably Sound Patrons: Brandon Bennes, Hans Buetow, Xander C, Talia F E, Camilla Greer, Parker Higgins, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Joe Krushinsky, Tod Kurt, Ethan Rose, and Susan Rugnetta.

I Nonlinear Vocalization. You Nonlinear Vocalization

Cover image by Mario on flickr

THIS WEEK IT’S ALL ABOUT SCREAMS (AAAAA!!!!) Horror and fear screams. It’s not just talking with some extra juice. There is much, much more at work. Physically and psychologically, a scream is a unique thing in human sound production.

Mike explores the what and how, and that they aren’t like shouts or yells. Plus a deep dive into what they mean. And how they function in film. Especially as delivered by women.


-Scream by 2NE1 from Crush
-Physical by Olivia Newton John, Covered by Ten Masked Men from ‘Revenge Of The -Ten Masked Men’
-The Breaking of the Scream by Jose Halac from Sonic Circuits VII
-Murderer by Low from Drums & Guns


The Hard Work of Screaming: Physical Exertion and Affective Labor Among Mexico City’s Punk Vocalists
Author(s): Kelley Tatro
Source: Ethnomusicology, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Fall 2014), pp. 431-453

‘The scream’: Meanings and excesses in early childhood settings
Rachel Rosen
Childhood 2015, Vol. 22(1) 39–52

Phenomenology of the Scream
Author(s): Peter Schwenger
Source: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Winter 2014), pp. 382-395

Nonlinear analysis of irregular animal vocalizations
Isao Tokudaa, et al
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 111, No. 6, June 2002

Human Screams Occupy a Privileged Niche in the Communication Soundscape
Luc H. Arnal, Adeen Flinker, Andreas Kleinschmidt, Anne-Lise Giraud, David Poeppel
Current Biology 25, 2051–2056

Do film soundtracks contain nonlinear analogues to influence emotion?
Daniel T. Blumstein1,*, Richard Davitian1 and Peter D. Kaye2
Biol. Lett. (2010) 6, 751–754

The Voice in Cinema by Michel Chion, 2009

And a special thanks to these Reasonably Sound Patrons: Brandon Bennes, Hans Buetow, Xander C, Talia F E, Camilla Greer, Parker Higgins, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Joe Krushinsky, Tod Kurt, Ethan Rose, and Susan Rugnetta.

Bits and Chips

Cover image by ChrisGampat on flickr

It’s all about nostalgia and limitation as Mike chips away (ahhh?!?!?) at the world of chiptunes music. If you played video games years and years ago, you’ll hear a set of sounds that will be completely familiar, even when used in unfamiliar compositional genres. Mike explores the anatomy of chiptunes sounds and composition, and looks into chiptunes’ relationship to hacking and the counterculture.

PLUS: lots of clips of music from the video games of bygone times. And Mike pronouncing more European names. And the line “making bonk-bonk noises.”


Intro and Outro – Square and Enjoy by Goto80
Break #1: Can’t Stop Us by Chipzel
Break #2: Chango Island by Kupa
Break #3: mushroom giggles by minusbaby


  • Endless Loop: A Brief History of Chiptunes by Kevin Driscoll and Joshua Diaz
  • Game Sound: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design  by Karen Collins
  • Playing with Sound by Karen Collins
  • Music in Video Games, ed. Donnelly, et al
  • The Sound of Playing: A Study into the Music and Culture of Chiptunes by A. Yabsley

And a special thanks to these Reasonably Sound Patrons: Brandon Bennes, Hans Buetow, Xander C, Talia F E, Camilla Greer, Parker Higgins, Joe Krushinsky, Tod Kurt, Ethan Rose, and Susan Rugnetta.